If you've not yet trusted in Jesus will you give yourself 3 minutes listening to Charlie Mackesy to discover that Jesus is far from irrelevant to you, and start living life as joyful, and fulfilling, as it was always intended to be? And if you already trust in Jesus we hope that you come away from the worship and Bible teachings found here refreshed in your faith.
New Church Service Posted Each Friday. The final of the 5 part inspirational study by Ed Newton of the Lord's Prayer. Just press ▶ to watch/listen to, and sing along to, all of this week's service (songs and sermon follow each other automatically).
Charlie Mackesy tells the true funny, then deeply moving, story of a cynical, terminally ill, hospital patient, who finds joy and faith in Jesus and in doing so simply passed from this imperfect life, into perfect Heaven.
Charlie Mackesy is the author of the best selling book and animated film 'The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, And The Horse'.
Pick Of Some of the Best Christian Songs
The things that concern us today, wars, climate change, famines, artificial intelligence, and much more, were foretold thousands of years ago in the Bible. Find out more about those prophesies here, and how you can stop worrying about them.
The book of Revelation was written two thousand years ago, but as well as warning the church NOT to get into the mess that it's in today tells people what to expect in the last days of the world, and how to escape it into an eternal, trouble free, one. If you don't have a Bible you can download them for free here, we'd suggest either the English Standard Version (ESV) or New King James (NKJ).
"And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15
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