"Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Daniel 12:4 ESV
the Nuffield Council on Bioethics says that researchers should not use these stem cell-based embryo models to try to start a pregnancy in a person or animal, and should not develop them to the point that they have the capacity to feel pain or awareness. read more
"you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" Matthew 24:6-7
There are approximately 42 countries involved in ongoing wars or war-like conflicts. discover more about these
"and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places" Matthew 24:7
The World Food Programme is an international organization within the United Nations that provides food assistance worldwide says "Hunger ‘inevitable’ for millions made homeless by conflict in Lebanon and beyond." read more
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake." Matthew 24:9
" More than 365m Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith. In Open Doors’ World Watch List top 50 alone, 317m Christians face very high or extreme levels. Explore the country profiles to find information, stories and prayers for each of the countries, along with ways that you can stand with your persecuted church family in prayer and action." read more
"And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray." Matthew 24:11
The Senior Pastor of The Second Coming of Christ’s Ministry, Adewale Giwa, has urged the government to arrest and prosecute religious leaders who deceive worshippers.. “Jesus Christ warned us in Matthew 7:15 to beware of false prophets. They are not mocking God but mocking themselves. Unbelievers now mock Christianity because of the confusion these preachers have brought.” read more
“And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold." Matthew 24:12
Church of England admonished In Synod for departing from God's Word in blessing same sex activity.
When I started writing it was providing an alternative news source to local media that was simply producing what is known in the trade as 'churnalism'. Churnalism is not journalism. Journalism should be fact checking and investigative. Churnalism is churning out what is given to newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, etc, in the form of press releases by organisations, including political parties. Churnalism is simply regurgitated (to look unique), unchecked, press releases, or regurgitated stories already written by others, again unchecked. It is lazy and often supports lies, but is now common across media because people do not want to pay for their news, paying provides journalists. And there is a growing refusal to learn, to change, they just want to hear news and views that support their existing opinions. But the Bible commands "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2 ESV
As part of Donald Trump's decision to favour social media over traditional news his appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast drew 51 million views on YouTube in a week— more than twice the combined audience of the three main television newscasts in the USA that week. Continuing the departure for news from the traditional media of TV, radio, and print, Elon Musk told his 200 million X followers “You are the media now,”.
In the USA over the last 15 years there has been about a 37% reduction in subscribers to cable TV, over the same period print readers of news have halved there and the number of journalists employed have therefore shrunk, the story is the same across most of the world.
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